Microlearning: Why It Isn’t a ‘Trend’ Anymore?
Some call it an informal, self-directed learning experience. Others deem it a structured, though sequenced learning strategy designed to meet an educational goal. It’s not only the concept of microlearning that spurs confusion, however; more frequently, people are having problems determining whether or not microlearning has the potential of improving modern education for good. If […]
It’s A New Era of Marketing – Search Engine Optimization
Every business aims to develop as a big name in the market and build a strong client base. Advertising or marketing a business is a key to achieving these business goals. A few years ago, the techniques of advertising were very different as catchy jingles and campaign taglines used to give persona and lifestyle like […]
How Technology Has Changed the Way of Shopping
When there was no internet or online shopping option consumers used to go to a store and shop for their desired products. But now technology has changed so many things 360 degrees. This is like a never before era where almost everyone is inclined towards smartphones, tablets, laptops etc. so the online shopping has become […]
4 Web Design Trends that are going to Dominate the Market in 2017
Are you an entrepreneur who is looking for making the online presence of his or her brand more impactful so that your potential consumers find you to be a credible service? Or are you a web designer who is looking for ways to design a highly functional and impressive website? Whichever case it might be; […]
9 Benefits to Choose iOS Application for Your Business
Currently, in this tech-driven market, iOS and Android have successfully dominated the app development landscape. Millions of devices powered by both of these leading operating systems are used by users across the world. For the amazing growth of Smartphones and smart apps usages, businesses have shifted from desktops to the mobile based solutions. By building […]
Here’s why you should take your Internet Privacy seriously (and secure it) in the Trump era
In case you’re still confused, the prior internet privacy regulations had required ISPs to obtain the consent of their users’ before gathering data pertaining to them (such as location data or browsing history) and sharing it with third-parties. However, our fundamental right to privacy on the internet was mercilessly taken away on the dreadful day […]